You There God? It's Me, Margarita15.00// Gifts286056349740Best Selling Products286070997036Best selling products273121378348Books & Games291752476716For a Good Laugh291178676268For the Ultimate Host286070964268New products286056382508Newest Products318203133996Not on sale315045052460Under $500
Tim Federle’s Tequila Mockingbird has become one of the world’s bestselling cocktail books and resonated with bartenders and book clubs everywhere.
Now in this much anticipated follow-up, Are You There God? It’s Me, Margarita, Federle has shaken up 49 all-new, all-delicious drink recipes paired with his trademark puns and clever commentary on more of history’s most beloved books, as well as bar bites, drinking games, and whimsical illustrations throughout.
Drinks Include:
Fifty Shades of Grey Goose
The Handmaid’s Ale
Little Soused on the Prairie
Tender Is the Nightcap
A Room With Vermouth
Go Get a Scotch, Man
As I Lay Drinking and much more!
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